Core Tip: tried many ways to lose weight, finally found one week lost 10 pounds of tough tricks, like fast-thin mm were look! The article has been flying lose weight or suffer from a lot of fat
people. In fact, botanical slimming know the traditional diet, the food is the most effective method.
Nutrition experts point out that wolfberry is rich in trace elements and vitamins, can Yin, eye, enhance immunity, ancient physicians treat liver blood deficiency, yin deficiency-induced visual
dim, and night blindness often used wolfberry. Recent botanical slimming learn from British study also found wolfberry anti-aging effect, but insist on eating only meddler case, only the value of
drugs, and occasionally eat one or two no effect.
Monday, wolfberry eliminates edema weight loss recipes:
Wolfberry eliminate edema
Breakfast: barley porridge 1 bowl, 1 small cucumber, soaked in water 30 g wolfberry drink.
Lunch: a lily, rice 1 / 2 bowl.
Dinner: vegetable soup, 1, 1 small bowl of rice, soaked in water 30 g wolfberry drink.
From the point of botanical slimming, the main advantage of wolfberry on weight-loss diet to eliminate edema, more suitable for consumption on Monday. Eating and drinking is not inevitable because
the week, or go out together, staying up late, etc., can easily lead to excess water accumulation, resulting in swelling of the problem. This recipe can be resolved edema problems, so weight loss
can proceed smoothly.
In addition, the wolfberry also can play the role of yin and kidney, it is suitable for the female blood virtual consumption, obesity is not only significant, in the view of botanical slimming, it
also plays a role in skincare.
Tips: wolfberry contained mostly water-soluble vitamin, easily destroyed by heat, so the flood damage is not easy to use hot water.
Tuesday, rhubarb appetizer digestion weight loss recipes:
Botanical slimming appetizer digestion
Breakfast: 5 pieces before eating rhubarb, a bowl of porridge of lean meat and preserved eggs.
Lunch: pork with 1 cucumber slice, a bowl of rice, soaked in water 30 g wolfberry drink.
Dinner: 1 egg fried mushrooms, rice bowl, and 1 cup freshly squeezed carrot juice.
The emphasis on weight-loss diet stomach and promote digestion, because rhubarb can promote gastrointestinal motility effects, so conditioning the stomach at the same time, to eliminate excess body
fat, burn fat.
Tips: with cucumber, mushrooms and other diet foods, weight-loss effect of doubling, allows you to unknowingly lose weight, and never hungry, did not like the diet pills on the health effects.
Wednesday, Poria conditioning stomach weight loss recipes:
Poria improve digestion in the way of botanical slimming.
Breakfast: 1 cup water, honey, sweet potato pie 2, boiled spinach 1.
Lunch: 1 Poria tofu, whole wheat bread 1.
Dinner: Konjac 1, 1 small bowl of boiled noodles, 1 cup of apple juice.
The day mainly through the high-fiber diet low-calorie foods to help promote intestinal peristalsis full, intestinal absorption of excess oil, clear the stool detoxification. Poria spleen and
stomach and through the effect of, conditioning the body, expel toxins and waste, botanical slimming think it can promote blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, weight loss, while double
whitening skin.
Tips: safflower dysmenorrheal with blood, stasis analgesic effect, can promote blood circulation. Among them, safflower yellow pigment with increased coronary blood flow and myocardial nutritional
blood flow to the role, and has some efficacy Fat Reducer, very suitable for women taking to health care, detoxify weight loss.
Thursday: saffron recipes to lose weight Fat Reducer:
Safflower diet Fat Reducer
Breakfast: green tea powder, add a little honey and red water, a bowl of pumpkin porridge.
Lunch: 1 egg noodles saffron, tomato juice 1.
Dinner: 1 cup of tea, candied roses, small bowl of rice, apple juice 1 times.
Tips: The Day recipes focus on detoxification, bowel, and promote blood circulation through the flower features to enhance weight loss. If your waist and belly fat are more recipes in this day must
be strictly carried out the day you will find a lot of flat belly bulge, but also you absolutely insist on a few weeks after a flat belly.
Friday: Codonopsis Nuance body sculpting, weight loss taking into account the health
Codonopsis Nuance body sculpting
Codonopsis can fill in, meizitang botanical slimming. The spleen and stomach, two blood losses, the body tired and weak, eat less; thirst, Chronic Diarrhea, rectal prolapse and other symptoms have a very
good effect. From the point of botanical slimming it is very suitable for long-term weight loss caused by a variety of sub-health symptoms.
Breakfast: 30 grams medlar soaked in water to drink, black walnut porridge 1 bowl of rice, celery mixed with lily 1.
Lunch: 1 seaweed, rice, small bowl, 1 cup of herbal tea.
Dinner: Chicken soup 1 Codonopsis wolfberry, 1 cup of herbal tea.
Tips: This recipe main conditioning on stomach health, after several days of bowel detoxification, stomach needs nourishment, Codonopsis with deficiency of the role of the restored color, and
health care have a significant role. The herbal tea can play with the weight loss Cellulite effect, so weight continues to drop.
Weekend: Hawthorn tired Cellulite solution to eliminate fat accumulation
Hawthorn solution tired of Cellulite
Hawthorn vitamins, hawthorn acid, tartaric acid, citric acid, malice acid, etc., also contain falconoid, lactones, carbohydrates, protein, fat and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals,
contains lipase to promote digestion of fatty foods. Promote increased gastric secretion and gastric enzymes and other functions. Chinese medicine, hawthorn has a consumer product of stagnation,
convergence botanical slimming, promoting blood circulation and other effects.
Breakfast: 1 cup mung bean porridge medlar, hawthorn tea, 1 cup.
Lunch: 1 bowl of fish tofu broth, garlic broccoli 1.
Dinner: rice bowl, mix 1 part kelp cabbage, 1 cup of tea Hawthorn.
This recipe is mainly on the solution tired of Cellulite. Workers may be out for dinner on weekends, is eating into too much greasy food, causing gastrointestinal discomfort and fat accumulation.
botanical slimming with appetizers digestion of hawthorn, can help break down food, contains hawthorn acid and various organic acids, can increase the gastrointestinal activity of proteolysis
enzymes, and therefore helps to digest meat.
Tips: according to this weight loss medicine weight loss side one week can be healthy lean 10 pounds. But please lose weight using traditional Chinese medicine, botanical slimming is sure to pay
attention to individuals according to their physical and carefully select the situation, consult a physician if any doubt the best.
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