A strange man named Zhang barefoot herb formula was sent to an old man in the Yi Shi, who then followed the recipe and the lives of more than one hundred years. The old man could walk extremely fast as if she were floating. His gray hair turned black again.
His parents had been replaced by the teeth of new gear. He is very manly in bed. These ingredients are soft and can be used to eliminate excessive heat in the body, and will also improve vision. Wolfberry fruit juice and refreshing. This juice good for kidney and liver maintain, beneficial for the lungs, and improve vision. Traditional Chinese medicine used wolfberry to deal with matters relating to the liver, kidneys and impotence, muscle pain in hips and knees, headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, excessive tears, fatigue, cough, thirst, and watery semen.
An ancient story says that in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty (618-907 m), a group of errant silk lane stopped to rest at an inn, and saw a young woman scolded and whipped an old man. A merchant approached them and asked the young lady, "why do you beat and persecute these parents?" The woman replied, "I discipline my great-grandchildren. This is not your affair. "All the people on the scene were shocked by the answer.
Further investigation revealed that she was more than three hundred years! The old man is being punished because he refused to drink the potion and getting old. Amazed at the magic potion, the merchant bowed respectfully to the woman and asked, "excuse me be so bold as to ask the lady what the hell kind of magic potion that you drank?" The woman replied, "This plant has five names. You can take different parts of the herb each season. In the spring you take the leaves, known as the essence of the herb heaven. In the summer you take the flower, known as a longevity herb. In the fall you take the fruit, known as the wolfberry. In winter your skin take root, known as the skin and bones in the earth, or the stick of the gods. By taking the four parts of four seasons in a row, will give you the glorious life of heaven and earth."
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